Вставить слова 10. samir six masks. a) have got b) has got c) is 11. they five boats. a) has got b) are c) have got 12.your mother's sister is a) grandmother b) aunt c) friend 13.your father's brother is a) uncle b) grandfather c) brother
It was two years ago. I was on school holidays then. One day when I got up everything looked as usual, I didn’t know anything about my future, so I was quite happy. I washed, ate my breakfast and still everything was good. Two hours later it started to rain. I thought that I could watch TV. I took the TV guide, and started to read. There was nothing special on the TV, but it wasn’t the worst. When I tried to switch on the TV I realized that electricity had been cut off. I saw that the wind destroyed an electric cable next to my house. I knew then that that day wouldn’t be good.I wanted to do something, so I decided to go to my friend. It was raining, so I took my umbrella and went out. When I was walking, my umbrella suddenly turned inside out. When I tried to repair it, I saw that the umbrella was broken. Without it within a few minutes I got all wet . After a couple of minutes I was next to my friend’s house. I knocked on the door — his mother answered and told me that he had gone to his grandparents. When I got back to home, I was wet and angry.I thought that there was nothing to do, but after an hour I realized that I had to go to the bank and pay the bills. I had to go out again. I got to the bank within half an hour.Of course there were a lot of people and I had to stand in a queue for another hour. When I was next to the cashier’s desk, I realized that I had forgotten my money. I had to go back home, take the money and once again go to the bank. When I paid the bills I thought that everything would be good, but I was wrong. When I was walking home I saw a puddle on the road and a truck in front of me. In two seconds I was wet and covered with mud. When I got back home I took a shower and went to
Собо́р Покрова́ Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы, что на Рву (Покро́вский собо́р, Покрова на Рву, разговорное — собо́р Васи́лия Блаже́нного) — православный храм наКрасной площади в Москве, памятникрусской архитектуры. Строительство собора велось с 1555 по 1561 год[1][2]. Собо́р Покрова́ Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы, что на Рву (Покро́вский собо́р, Покрова на Рву, разговорное — собо́р Васи́лия Блаже́нного) — православный храм наКрасной площади в Москве, памятникрусской архитектуры. Строительство собора велось с 1555 по 1561 год[1][2].
Собор объединяет десять церквей (приделов), часть из которых освящены в честь святых, дни памяти которых пришлись на решающие бои за Казань[3]. Центральная церковь сооружена в честьПокрова Богородицы, вокруг которой группируются отдельные церкви в честь:Святой Троицы, Входа Господня в Иерусалим, Николы Великорецкого, Трёх Патриархов: Александра, Иоанна и Павла Нового, Григория Армянского, Киприана иИустины, Александра Свирского иВарлаама Хутынского, размещённые на одном основании-подклете, и придел в честь Василия Блаженного[4][5], по имени которого храм получил второе, более известное название.
В названии собора упомянут ров, проходивший вдоль Кремлёвской стены и служивший оборонительным укреплением (Алевизов ров), его глубина была около 13 метров, а ширина — около 36 метров[6][7].
Собор входит в российский список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО и является филиалом Государственного исторического музея[8].
11. They have got five boats.
12.Your mother's sister is your aunt.
13.Your father's brother is your uncle.
ответ: 10 – В, 11 – С, 12 – В, 13 – А