Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы следующих предложений: 1.the puplis remember this rule. 2.mother turned off the gas. 3.we shall start at dawn
The pupils don*t remember this rules. Do the pupils remember this rule? Mother didn*t turn off the gas. Did mother turn off the gas? We shall not start at dawn. Shall we start at dawn?
When I was a child I wanted to become a cosmonaut. But later, I realized that this profession does not suit me because of its high requirements to the physical form. After, in seventh grade, I became interested in jurisprudence. I learned that the lawyer's work is well paid, and it was important for me. Besides, I was interested by the law, especially international obligations, and public law. But then it turned out that at this time, lawyers is not in great demand. And it hurt to find a good job. Now, after receiving a law degree, I would like to become a forensic expert. To understand the motives for the crime, calculate the perpetrator and to prove his guilt is what I like. Like any other profession, criminology has its pros and cons. Pros: work in a state institution, the possibility of transfer to a private body. Cons: high risk of corruption, pressure from the side of the bandits, the presence of local crimes that may not be for the faint of heart.
We live in Volgograd-He lives in Volgograd too. You swim in Volga-He swims in Volga too. They ride a horse in the forest. She rides a horse in the forest too. I like parrots.The boy likes parrots too. My friends skate in the park-Your friend skates in the park too. His cats drink milk every day-Her cat drinks milk every day too. We live in Volgograd-She lives in Volgograd too. Our cousins ski well-Her cousin skis well. Your dogs eat much meat-My dog eats much meat. The run every day-My father runs every day.
Mother didn*t turn off the gas. Did mother turn off the gas?
We shall not start at dawn. Shall we start at dawn?