The legend of ron
the legend of kerk ala in very popular
ako poet and musician and the man who
musical instrument.
a very popular in kohalen, konya
* and the man who made the fin rob
the legend says that before key
everything went dark and there we
into the world, the sun started to shine again
y that before rank atambor, there was once
dark and there was a comm. then, when krya come
as a young boy, korby ate didn't want to see or think
about the dark side of me. he didn't want to die, ne
wanted to live forevert one day, korkyl ala hod a dream.
in the dream angels told him how to make a kobyl
korkyt ata made the kobyz and when he played
he forgot all about death. he put all his fime
and his feelings into the music he played.
people from all over the country heard
the wonderful sounds of the kobya!
everyone listened in wonder to its
beautiful music. even the birds in
the air stopped flying, and the
wind stopped blowing ! переводите
2. It’s the worst day in my life!
3. This task is easier than you think.
4. I’m taller than you.
5. Pete is more diligent than Jim.
6. The wheel is still more useful invention of humanity.
Задание №3. Вставьте в пропуски глагол to be в нужной форме (am/is/are):
1. Who is that man? Is he your friend?
2. Fred is a good student.
3. Dolphins are intelligent animals.
4. You are so beautiful today!
5. I am proud of you, son!
Задание №4. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Present Simple или Present Continuous):
1. William always does his homework.
2. Why does he always stare at me in such a weird manner?
3. He works at a little bookshop.
4. I am working on my novel now, but I’ll finish it soon.
5. Does Mary like black coffee?
6. What book are you reading now? Let me see the cover.
Задание №5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Present Perfect):
1. I can’t find Jack.Did you see him?
2. He went out and I have closed the door.
3. I have just cleaned the floor. Don’t step here with your dirty boots!
4. Oh, no! I have broken my Mom’s favorite vase! She’ll be mad at me!
5. Peter finished playing and the audience applauded.
6. This accident has happened in 1993.
Задание №6. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (Past Simple или Past Continuous):
1. When I came into my room he was sitting at my table.
2. Sorry I switched off the TV. I didn't know you watch.
3. I managed to go to the nearby shop while she was putting mascara on her lashes.
4. He told us he was hungry.
5. Dostoevsky wrote a lot of novels.
6. Mary finished her work and went out.