One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain. It results from the release into the atmosphere of sulphur and nitrogen oxides that react with water droplets and return to earth in the form of acid rain, mist or snow. Acid rain is killing forests in Canada, the USA, and central and northern Europe. (Nearly every species of tree is affected.) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can’t support fish, wildlife, plants or insects. (In the USA 1 in 5 lakes suffer from this type of pollution). нашла только 5 предложений
Яся, я нашла только перевод:
Джейн и ее мать живут в маленьком доме. Каждый день ее мать убирает комнаты, делает влажную уборку, готовит, выгуливает домашних питомцев и поливает деревья и цветы в саду. Но Джейн не ей. Она не любит работать. Она ленивая. Однажды утром мать девочки сказала:" Сегодня суббота. Я хочу приготовить яблочный пирог."Джейн сказала:"Это хорошо" Тогда мать девочки сказала:"если ты хочешь мне, иди в сад и принеси немного яблок для нашего яблочного пирога " Джейн сказала " нет,я не хочу". Мать пошла в зеленый сад и принесла яблоки для яблочного пирога. Тогда она сказала " если хочешь мне,пойди в магазин и купи сахар для нашего яблочного пирога " но девочка сказала " нет,я не хочу" мать пошла в магазин и купила сахар для яблочного пирога.когда пирог был готов, мать сказала" яблочный пирог очень хороший! Хочешь мне,Джейн?" Джейн сказала,"
1. These issues are usually discussed after work.
2. Do you have many houses in your city? 3. Did you know that this book was translated into English only two years ago? 4. I was asked to help him finish this work today, so I had to stay in the institution after work. 5. He can be given these magazines on Monday morning. 6. Have you been shown everything you wanted to see? 7. It must be found immediately.
8. There is much talk about this film. 9. Petrov's lectures are listened with interest. 10. We must immediately send for Comrade Ivanov. I. The children were told to be home at seven o'clock. 12. Who wrote this article? 13. When will they bring letters and newspapers? - I think, only in an hour. 14. We were asked if the French language is taught in our school. 15. When will this telegram be sent? 16. He was asked when the telegram would be sent. 17. The first time I was taken to the theater when I was five. 18. After the lecture, many questions were asked. 19. I was told that you are leaving tomorrow. 20. I think that much will be said about this book.