small- smaller - the smallest
young- younger- the youngest
thin- thinner- the thinnest
thick- thicker - the thickest
tall- taller- the tallest
fine- finer- the finest
new- newer- the newest
straight- straighter - the straightest
few- fewer- the fewest
easy- easier- the easiest
busy- busier- the busiest
dirty- dirtier- the dirtiest
famous- more famous- the most famous
beautiful- more beautiful - the most beautiful
difficult- more difficult - the most difficult
serious- more serious - the most serious
comfortable- more comfortable - the most comfortable
expensive- more expensive - the most expensive
suitable- more suitable - the most suitable
charming- more charming- the most charming
good- better- the best
much- more- the most
bad- worse- the worst
little- less- the least
many- more- the most.
small - smaller - the smallest
young - younger - the youngest
thin - thinner - the thinnest
thick - thicker - the thickest
tall - taller - the tallest
fine - finer - the finest
new - newer - the newest
streight - straighter - the straighest
few - fewer - the fewest
easy - easier - the easiest
busy - busier - the busiest
dirty - dirtier - the dirties
famous - more famous - the most famous
beautiful- more beautiful - the most beautiful
difficult- more difficult - the most difficult
serious- more serious - the most serious
comfortable- more comfortable - the most comfortable
expensive- more expensive - the most expensive
suitable- more suitable - the most suitable
charming- more charming- the most charming
good- better- the best
much- more- the most
bad- worse- the worst
little- less- the least
many- more- the most.
1. Мы были больше похожи на братьев, чем на отца и сына.
2. Он упрямо хотел действовать по-своему, что Комитету не понравилось.
3. Они оба засмеялись, и Дэн опустил глаза (перевел взгляд) на стол.
4. Руководитель очень доволен вашим докладом, только он не хочет это показывать (скрывает свое довольство)
5. Единственным предметом мебели, достойным внимания, было большое кресло с подголовником, стоящее перед камином.
6. Она и поет, и танцует.
7. Он ведет себя, как миллионер.
8. Братья были очень похожи.