Marie Skłodowska-Curie was born on 7 November 1867.She was a Polish physicist and chemist, working mainly in France, who is famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the only woman to win in two fields, and the only person to win inmultiple sciences. She was also the first female professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman to be entombed on her own merits in Paris' Panthéon. She have done a lot for the developing of science.
English etiquette is this embodiment of strictness andofficialness. Exactly in this country a concept was conceivedabout a "veritable gentleman". Only a gentleman in the thirdgeneration can carry the honoured rank "true". If, for example,you possess blameless manners, for you excellent education,but Your grand-dad ignored the rules of good tone, then, alas,in England you for anything are not acknowledged by a"veritable gentleman".
However etiquette of England приемлет the use of word"gentleman" for the estimation of level of breeding of will show abysmal ignorance, if will use concepts"gentleman" / not "gentleman", "lady" / not "lady",characterizing people in England. Although, for example, inFrance the use of these concepts in speech is a norm.
Foreigners arriving with a visit to England often are simplystunned by the blameless culture of habitants of Misty Albion.English etiquette consists in the permanent display of suchinternalss, as politeness, correctness, imperturbability,
Сейчас вечер пятницы и я с моими друзьями на дискотеке. Некоторые люди танцуют. Некоторые люди сидят и пьют колу. Мои друзья разговаривают и смеются. Мы каждую неделю ходим на дискотеку. Мы обычно пьём колу и танцуем.