1) She visited her best friend yesterday evening
She didn't visit her best friend yesterday evening
Did she visit her best friend yesterday evening ?
2) Then she had a big and tasty breakfast at 7 o'clock
Then she didn't have a big and tasty breakfast at 7 o'clock
Did she have a big and tasty breakfast at 7 o'clock ?
3) The child went to bed at 10 p.m
The child didn't go to bed at 10 p.m
Did the child go to bed at 10 p.m ?
4) You stayed at home last night
You didn't stay at home last night
Dod you stay at home last night ?
5) l really enjoyed the film
l didn't really enjoy the film
Did I really enjoy this film?
The lion, is a wild animal. It is one of the, strongest animals. Now lions primarily live in Africa It has very large head and neck covered with hair called mane. Its eyes are glowing. It has sharp teeth and claws. Its paws are very strong. It can run very fast. Lions, can reach speeds of up to 81 kph but only in short bursts. It roars very loudly... A lion’s, roar can be heard from as far as 5 miles away. It is a carnivorous animal. It is very powerful and has majestic figure. Lion lives for about sixty years. It is called king of forest
Лев – дика тварина. Це одна з найсильніших, тварин. Зараз леви в основному живуть в Африці Він має дуже велику голову і шию, покриті волоссям, що називають грива. Його очі світяться. У нього гострі зуби , кігті. Його лапи дуже сильні. Він може бігти дуже швидко. Леви можуть досягати швидкості до 81 км / год,, але тільки на коротких дистанціях. Він голосно реве. Рев лева можна почути на відстані в 5 миль. Це м’ясоїдна тварина. Він дуже сильний, має величну постать. Лев живе близько шістдесяти років. Він називається королем лісу.
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