In Russian, people bake bread, called Kulich, and paint boiled eggs for Easter. - В России люди пекут хлеб, который называется Кулич, и красят вареные яйца на Пасху.
During the last week before Great Lean, called Maslenitsa, Russians eat pancakes and burn the Maslenitsa doll made out of straw in a bonfire. - В течение надели до Великого Поста, которая называется масленица, русские едят блины и сжигают чучело из саломы на костре.
On January the 14th, many people celebrate the Old New Year, which is considered the start of the new year by the Julian calendar. - 14 января многие люди отмечают старый новый год, что считается началом нового года по юлианскому календарю.
Thousands of Russians celebrate the Baptism of Christ by submerging their bodies in the freezing water of lakes and they also bring home the holy water from churches. - Тысячи россиян отмечают Крещение Господне окунаясь в ледяную воду в озерах и так же они приносят святую воду из церквей.
On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls make wreaths and let them float down the river and later everyone goes through the forests in search of a fern flower.- В ночь Ивана Купалы девушки делают венки и пускают их по течению реки, а позже все идут в лес в поисках цветка папоротника.
Day of the city - this is a very happy holiday. And I would try to hold it is also very fun. I would invite all his friends to hold it together. On this day in our city hosts a variety of entertainment activities. In the main square serve children's groups, held various exhibitions and fairs. And I really like exhibitions and always visited Ba on each of them. I have a very fun and friends, I think we would have liked to have taken part in sporting events, which are also held these days. Once I took part in this competition and was awarded the prize, which always reminds me of that holiday. And in the evening I would certainly looked festive fireworks. I love feast day of the city and look forward to it every year with