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home Вопросы и ответы folder Английский язык
Вопрос по английскому языку:
ответьте на следующие вопросы к теме :"Books in my life" -Do you like reading? -What about your parents? Wat kind of books do your parents read? -What sort of books do you prefer reading? -How much time do you spend on reading? -Who is your favourite writer? What is your favourite book? -Do you collect books? How many books have you got at home? -What does reading for you? Is it an important part of your life?
05.07.2015 00:05 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК remove_red_eye 9714 thumb_up 40
ответы и объяснения 1
-Yes, I love reading so much! - My parents love reading too. - They ( или my parents ) prefer classic Literature. - What about me, I like reading fantasy. - I usually read before sleeping and it takes me about two hours. - My favourite writer is Joanne Rowling and my favourite book is "Harry Potter". -Yes, I'm collecting books. (или No, it's not necessary for me, because I prefer to read E-books). -Unfortunately, I have not many books yet. -Reading is my hobby, I can't live without it and this is why it's really important part of my life.
A: Did you have a nice holiday?
B: Yes, it was the best holiday I've ever had.
A: Where's the nearest shop?
B: There's one at the end of this street.
A: It’s a lovely day, isn't it?
B: Yes, there isn't - cloud in the sky.
A: I've got a problem with my computer. lt isn't connecting to the internet.
B: That's interesting. I've got the same problem with mine.
A: We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.
B: Why didn't you stay at - cheaper hotel?
A: Would you like to travel in space?
B: Yes, I'd love to go to the moon.
A: What is Jup1ter? 1t's a star?
B: No, it's a planet. It’s the largest planet in - solar system.