hello, my friend!
i was very glad to get a letter from you.
you asked me about environment. i want to give you some advices how you can protect the environment. you must sort your rubbish. plastic bottles, juice cartons, and cardboard can be taken to a recycling bank. you can use
recycled papers to help save trees. you can avoid buying plastic since is difficult to recycle. let’s keep the streets around us tidy, neat and clean, so don’t drop litter, put it in the bin! you can plant a tree. by planting and growing more trees, we will help reduce the pollution, lower energy costs, improve the surrounding. you see my advices are very simple. every person can do it. and you can do it too.
sorry. i need to go.
The room I occupy is spacious and bright. The windows are covered with snow-white tulle framed by curtains of light brown hue. The wallpaper, yellow with orange, resembles the light of the sun, which always contributes to a good mood. Furniture - a minimum. In the left corner - a desk, and next to it - a chest of drawers. Cabinet and sofa - on the right, and near the door there is an ottoman.
Комната, которую я занимаю, – просторная, светлая. Окна занавешены белоснежным тюлем в обрамлении портьер светлого коричневого оттенка. Обои, желтые с оранжевым, напоминают свет солнца, что всегда хорошему настроению. Мебели – минимум. В левом углу – письменный стол, а возле него – комод. Шкаф и софа – справа, а возле двери стоит пуфик.