Подскажите , на экзамене по языку есть 2 по письмам первое личного характера а второе свое личное мнение , там нужно выбрать одно ? или надо два выполнять?
1)If my friend comes to see me, I will very glad. 2)If my mother buys a cake, we will have a very nice teaparty. 3)If we receive a telegram from him, we will won't worry. 4)If you don't work systematically, you will fail the exams. 5)If you are busy, I will leave you alone. 6)If I live in Moscow, I will visit the Trtyakov Gallery every gay. 7)If I get a ticket, I will go to the concert. 8)If we live near a wood, We will gather a lot of mushrooms. 9)If my father returns early, we will wath TV together. 10)If she knows English, She will try to enter the uneversity.
Сказка про лягушку Once upon a time there was a hansome prince who had been turned into a frog by a witch._The frog lived in a lake in the garden of a big castle._The castle belonged to the king._One day while his daughter was playing with her ball it fell into the water._The frog offered to help her if she gave him kiss._The princess agreed but when the frog gave her the ball she wouldn*t give him a kiss and ran back to the castle._When her father found out ,he was furious._"You have to keep your promise," he said.He made her go back to the lake and call the frog._When she kissed him,the frog turned into a handsome prince._They got married and lived happily ever after.
Оба делаешь,сначало пишешь по письмам первое,дальше свое личное мнение отписываешь