♣there is a monument to winston churchill. there's big ben. the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is an island nation in the north-west of europe. great britain is one of the largest states in europe, a nuclear power, a permanent member of the un security council. heir to the british empire, the largest state in history, existed in the xix - early xx century. britain is considered the birthplace of modern parliamentary democracy. the form of government is a parliamentary monarchy.♣
Nowadays being famous is something that most people wish. it is thought that being a person who everybody can recognize and feel excited to see, such as a model or actress, is a great thing. but this lifestyle is a dream or a nightmare? one the one hand, famous people can afford many things they want in their lives and many people are proud of them. the singers or film stars who are celebrities can earn much more money than those who are not famous. so they live with a high level life with honor, luxurious and comfortable things. on the other hand, being famous might be a difficult and tortuous life as well. celebrities always feel afraid of losing their popularity. the more they get and succeed the more their fans expected them to achieve. sometimes they are forced to do something they do not like in order to maintain their fame, or many of them are pushed in alcoholism, drug-addiction and depression. furthermore they usually feel unsafe and lack of privacy of life because the other people want to know about them, especially when they have a new partner, or they get married or divorced for instance. to sum up, while it is true to say that famous people live a great life, i prefer to be an anonymous person because the benefits of be an ordinary person outweigh the disadvantages of being rich and famous. continue reading
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