честный - honest.
просить - to ask.
зарабатывать - to earn.
всю жизнь - all my life.
несколько дней назад - a few days ago.
подружиться - to make friends.
случаться - to happen.
забывать - to forget.
встретить однажды - to meet once.
иметь достаточно денег - to have enough money.
терпеть нужду - to endure poverty.
попытаться достать (деньги) - to try to get (money).
отдохнуть - to rest.
сесть на диван - to sit on the couch.
понять сразу - to understand right away.
по фотографии - from a photograph.
продавать - to sell.
покупать - to buy.
платить - to pay.
старик - old man.
быть готовым - to be ready.
ни долларом больше - not a dollar more.
забрать - to take (back).
рассердиться - to get angry.
с радостью - happily.
лучшая политика - the best policy.
1. I have always believed that honesty is the best policy.
2. Never ask for money if you can earn it.
3. General Miles was a nice man and we became good friends.
4. How could it happen that we didn't meet then?
5. I went out of the house to rest.
6. I was sitting where when I heard a knock on the door.
7. When we were hungry, we were hungry together.
8. I knew at once that I had found what I was looking for.
9. If you want three dollars for it, I cannot give it to you.
10. I could not sell it to you, because I need the money.
11. When I brought the dog back to its master, he was happy and gladly paid me three dollars.
12. I was happy too because I had earned what I needed.
1. Несколько дней назад в доме моего друга я познакомился с генералом Майлзом.
2. Генерал Майлз был приятным человеком, и вскоре мы стали большими друзьями.
3. Как могло случиться, что мы не встретились тогда?
4. Я был бедным молодым писателем, которого никто не знал и чьи книги никто не читал.
5. Мы всё делали вместе: работали, читали книги, гуляли вместе.
6. Когда мы голодали, мы голодали оба.
7. Я не помню, почему нам нужны были эти доллары, но я помню, что мы должны были достать их к вечеру.
8. Я вышел из дома, но я не знал, куда идти и как достать эти три доллара.
9. Я играл с собакой, когда в холл вошёл какой-то человек.
10. "Какая красивая собака," - сказал он.
11. Когда я привёл собаку её хозяину, он был рад и с радостью заплатил мне три доллара.
1) it's bucketing down
Explanation: The phrase "bucketing down" means that it is raining heavily.
2) it's pouring with rain
Explanation: This phrase also means that it is raining heavily.
3) it's boiling
Explanation: This phrase means that it is very hot.
4) we could ask him to sort out the invoices, but he'll make heavy weather of it
Explanation: The phrase "make heavy weather of it" means to make something unnecessarily difficult and complicated.
5) Jan's feeling under the weather
Explanation: The phrase "under the weather" means to be feeling unwell.
6) There was a sudden heavy fall of rain and all the spectators ran inside
Explanation: "Heavy fall of rain" refers to a sudden downpour of rain.
7) I don't know if we can survive this crisis without any extra crush
Explanation: The correct word here is "cash" instead of "crush." We need extra money to survive the crisis.
8) However gloomy things may seem, there is always a silver lining
Explanation: The expression "every cloud has a silver lining" means that there is always something positive, even in difficult situations.
9) They were on cloud nine when they won the lottery
Explanation: To be "on cloud nine" means to be extremely happy.
10) Ben was under suspicion for a long time after the thefts were discovered
Explanation: The correct word here is "suspicion" instead of "suspicious." Ben was suspected of committing the thefts.
11) Whenever I have a great idea, Penny steals my thunder by doing it first and getting all the credit
Explanation: The expression "steals my thunder" means to take credit or attention away from someone else's achievement.
12) Sarah thought it was important, but in fact, it was a storm in a teacup, about something which was very trivial
Explanation: The expression "storm in a teacup" means an argument or controversy that is blown out of proportion and is actually unimportant.
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