Every year in this or that region there are strong floods of rivers, breakthroughs of dams and dams, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes, forest and peat fires.
Each natural disaster, accident and catastrophe has its own characteristics, the nature of the damage, the volume and scale of destruction, the magnitude of disasters and human losses. Each in its own way leaves an imprint on the environment.
Knowledge of the causes and nature of natural disasters allows, with early adoption of protection measures, with reasonable behavior of the population, to significantly reduce all types of losses.
One of the main problems that comes to the fore today is the correct forecasting of the occurrence and development of natural disasters, early warning of both the authorities and the population about the impending danger. It is very important and extremely necessary to work on the comprehensive localization of natural disasters in order to narrow the zone of destruction, to provide timely assistance to the victims.
Every year in this or that region there are strong floods of rivers, breakthroughs of dams and dams, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes, forest and peat fires.
Each natural disaster, accident and catastrophe has its own characteristics, the nature of the damage, the volume and scale of destruction, the magnitude of disasters and human losses. Each in its own way leaves an imprint on the environment.
Knowledge of the causes and nature of natural disasters allows, with early adoption of protection measures, with reasonable behavior of the population, to significantly reduce all types of losses.
One of the main problems that comes to the fore today is the correct forecasting of the occurrence and development of natural disasters, early warning of both the authorities and the population about the impending danger. It is very important and extremely necessary to work on the comprehensive localization of natural disasters in order to narrow the zone of destruction, to provide timely assistance to the victims.
После того, как мы нарисовали дверь, мы не поместили коробки с краской, где они принадлежали. Мы торопились, так как нам приходилось встречаться с нашими друзьями в аэропорту в семь вечера. Когда мы вернулись домой, мы увидели, что случилось что-то ужасное. Наша собака Рекс стала желтой во многих частях тела. Он определенно надеялся на диван или, возможно, спал на нем, так как на нем были желтые знаки. Перед тем, как мы ушли, я положил свою новую белую блузку на кресло. У меня больше нет модной блузки. Рекс тоже коснулся его.