Studying at school takes up a lot of time and effort. That is why some teenagers prefer not to take up part-time jobs, concentrating on studying. Personally, if I was choosing a part-time job, I would choose working as a nanny, because I love children and find this job very interesting. During this summer I am going to stay in the city and prepare for my exams. Probably, I will be able to work at my free time to earn some pocket money for my necessities. I don't work part-time, because I'm very busy at school. But I would like to do this to develop different skills, which will help me in my adult life. #JonSnowAlive
1. To end the contract, one month’s written notice (by post not e-mail) is required. 2. Politeness can help to improve the working environment for people in the same office. 3. Job applications are examined and the best candidates are interviewed. 1. Для расторжения контракта требуется письменное уведомление за один месяц (по почте, а не через электронную почту) . 2. Вежливость может улучшить рабочую среду для людей, работающих в одном офисе. 3. Заявления на приём на работу рассматриваются и с лучшими кандидатами проводится собеседование.