1he (to think)
that carol's chance never (to come) if she went on behaving just the same way.
2yesterday evening i (to come) very late and my mother still (to wait) for me.
3i still to wait for you when it (to start) raining.
4the headmaster (to inform) us that there (to be) no classes on monday because there was some new
5the lecturer (to tell )us that interesting results( to achieve) by our scientific group the previous year.
6hamlet (to leave) her at the door and she (to kiss) him good night.
7when i( to enter) the classroom the students still (to write their test, though it was time to finish.
8you (to speak) to him yesterday or you to change) your mind already?
9.i (to insist) on sending them the money for the work they (to do) several days ago.
10.our teacher says that forest fires (to be caused) by broken glass, so people (to have to be) careful.
11she (to graduate) from college when her father (to die).
12it is the first time my son to drive) a car and that's why i (to be) anxious.
13i (to know) him since my childhood when we still (to live) in the village.
14they had to come back as they (to remember) that they (to leave) the front door unlocked.
15they (to inform) us that the bridge (to be built) by the end of the next year.
16they (to ring up) me to tell me that their team to win the championship.
17the curtain (to rise) and the audience (to begin) to applaud.
18i (not to understand) why he (to change) his surname.
19when we got home we to find out that the thief (to break) into the house.
20we said we (to be sorry) to learn that he (to be injured) in a car accident.
21she said she to be disappointed) for the rest of her life as he (to leave) her.
22it (to happen) just at the moment foster and some other chaps (to pass by).
23it's a long time i (not to hear) from my relatives who (to live) in toronto.
24 we didn't know where he (to come) from and what to be going) to do.
25) everybody (to be sorry) when they learnt that he (to die) in a car accident.
Мне нравится этот день очень много. В этот день я просыпаюсьпозже, чем обычно. Как только я встаю я воздухакомнату, чтобы моя плохая и делать утреннюю зарядку. Тогда япозавтракать. Еще два часа готовиласьс моей домашней и я свободен.
Я встречаюсь с друзьями, и мы обсудим наши планывместе. Мы можем пойти в кино или театр, чтобымузеи и парки.
В хорошую погоду мы также хотели бы быть из города.Мы находим хорошее место где-нибудь в лесу или на берегу реки.Мы лежим на солнце, играть в разные игры и плавать. вЗимой мои друзья и я часто хожу в каток.Когда погода плохая мои друзья приходят ко мнеместо. Мы слушаем музыку или пойти в кино.
Вечером все члены нашей семьисобраться вместе. У нас есть наш ужин, смотреть телевизор или читатькниг. Мне очень нравится выходные дни очень много