as... as = так(ой) же... как
not as... as = не так/настолько... как
1. Eating fruit and vegetables in healthier than eating chocolate. Есть фрукты и овощи здоровее, чем есть шоколад.
=> Eating chocolate is NOT AS healthy AS eating fruit and vegetables. Есть шоколад НЕ ТАК полезно, КАК есть есть овощи и фрукты.
2. I can write quicker than you. Я могу писать быстрее тебя.
=> You can't write AS quickly AS I can. Ты не можешь писать ТАК ЖЕ быстро, КАК я.
3. Dolphins are more intelligent than whales. Дельфины умнее китов.
=> Whales are NOT AS intelligent AS dolphins. Киты НЕ НАСТОЛЬКО умные, КАК дельфины.
4. Spain and Greece are both very hot in the summer. И в Испании, и в Греции очень жарко летом.
=> Spain is AS hot AS Greece in the summer. Летом Испания ТАКАЯ ЖЕ жаркая, КАК и Греция.
5. Travelling by plane in faster than going by train. Лететь на самолете быстрее, чем ехать на поезде.
=> Going by train is NOT AS fast AS travelling by plane. Ехать поездом НЕ ТАК быстро, КАК лететь самолетом.
6. Playing basketball is more exciting than collecting stamps. Играть в баскетбол веселее, чем собирать марки.
=> Collecting stamps is NOT AS exciting AS playing basketball. Собирать марки НЕ НАСТОЛЬКО весело, КАК играть в баскетбол.
7. Josh's brother is cleverer than he is. Брат Джоша умнее чем он.
=> Josh is NOT AS clever AS his brother. Джош НЕ ТАКОЙ умный, КАК его брат.
Надеюсь, понятно.
1 задание:
0 А
1 В
2 В
3 А
2 задание:
Choose the correct words in italics in the text.
1. have begun
2. have grown
3. taught
4. took
5. finished
6. have organised
7. did
8. provided
3 задание:
Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in the correct tense.
1. I have
2. I've done two
3. Have you done
4. Have you completed
5. I have
6. Finished
4 задание:
Use the words below to write information about yourself.
2. I went on an activity holiday. It was adventuring. It was a few weeks ago. We went in a small town in mountains. We also were hiking.
3. I've visited a foreign country 2 times. It was Spain.
Then we were a big band, I did not really know any of this group. We told each other stories, shared our impressions about our insane rehearsals (which lasted half a day), and so we soon became friends.
Yulia is a rather complex character, her actions sometimes not everyone can understand correctly. At the same time, she often acts impulsively, she flirts herself in conflicts, is stubborn and resolute. Julia is true to herself and her friends.
This girl always finds an adventure, even in ordinary daily activities. She likes to do something unusual and interesting with her friends, she likes to discover something new every day. Quiet and calm life is not for her.
Julia is a wonderful girlfriend. I am very glad that I have it, that I can spend time with her and discuss a lot. Without her, my life would become more boring.