I miss my mother. Bird is sitting in the cage. It's not fair to say so . My father went for a run . I thought to bring a flowers . Night was dark . Sister call me in the morning . Water was nice and cool. My aunt will visit me tomorrow. I will wash my hands before dinner . I have to take my dog for a walk. Why don't you try to go short way. We have a lovely country. Teacher were right today. We will go out tonight . Just bought my new hat. The tea went really cold. When I see nice winter makes me happy. I need to wash my hands. I would like to go for a walk in the red square . Mother cooked a baked potatoes . He leave today to Moscow . I mean different thinks than you thought. Some people have a coffee every morning . I've being a good boy for a last month. I have a new lunch box . She is pretty confident about herself. It was very kind of my friend. Take me home please. I need a pencil to make this line. Turn over to see it darling . My mother bought me a nice watch. We took the car for a ride . He is very quiet man. She wants to buy this red chair. I'm buying my nephew green apple. Good to know that we are save. We like that white cat. Can I please have a fish ? Позже допишу если не
1.I miss you. 2.this bird is orange 3.this strange man said a familiar voice 4.Today at the fair few people 5.my father bought me a bicycle 6.I thought that you are hungry 7.my soul is dark 8.my sister had gone to visit 9.I want to drink water 10.My aunt works in the studio 11.Your hand is cold 12.I love to walk out with my friends 13.I will try to restart your computer 14.I have been in this country 15.my teacher retired 16.the right is my desk 17.Get out of my house! 18.I bought a new hat 19.it's cold outside 20.I see your gum 21.I love green tea 22.when you leave, I'll cry 23.I wash the dishes 24.Draw a square here 25.I buy fried potatoes
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