Rob: That's a very famous picture - it's called "Madonna".
Amy: No, it isn't. It's called the Mona Lisa.
Rob: I think Michelangelo painted it.
Amy:_No, he didn't ._Leonardo da Vinci painted it.
Rob: He was Spanish.
Amy: _No, he wasn't.___He was Italian.
Rob: He lived about a hundred years ago.
Amy: __No, he didn't. _He lived five hundred years ago.
Rob: Leonardo da Vinci was a famous explorer, too.
Amy: __No, he wasn't.__He was a painter and a scientist, an inventor, a writer, a musician.
Rob: This picture is in the National Gallery in London.
Amy: _No, it isn't. You can see the picture in the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris.
Rob: Let's look at another picture. Ah, this is "Orchids" by Picasso
Amy: Oh, Dear!
2. they are weird - вони дивні
3. can you give me a pen? - можеш дати мені ручку?
4. do you have any of food? - в тебе є якась їжа?
5. that is not good idea - це не дуже добра ідея.