Task 1 1. read the story and choose the right variant. the history of the iditarod race says that back in 1925, it was necessary to get medicine to nome (a town in alaska) because there was an epidemic of diphtheria. the town had a meeting and they decided that they were going to get the medicine to nome by dog sled. the doctor at nome said it would be too slow but it was the only way. there was an announcement on the radio and it said, "we need the best dog sled teams to get medicine to the sick people of nome." they sent the best dog sled teams from every town from anchorage to nome until the sick people got the medicine. the alaska iditarod race is a commemoration, or an event to remember something special, of that historic event. mushers have been running the race annually since 1973. thirty-five mushers took part in the first race, but only 22 finished. the first iditarod winner took 20 days to complete the 1,150 mile race. over the years, mushers and their dogs have gained confidence and speed. in 2005, the winner completed the race in just less than nine days, the fastest finish ever. the iditarod is sometimes called "the last great race on earth." every year, it begins in anchorage during the first weekend in march. each team of 12 to 16 dogs and their mushers cover the distance to nome in 9 to 17 days. the winner's prize (about $50,000 for the first place) differs from year to year. each racer passes under the burled arch at the end of the race. the arch was constructed by a local lion's club as a marker for the finish line. the arch reads, "end of iditarod dog race." everybody that has passed through the burled arch is a winner in the iditarod, but the real winner comes first. the last musher who finishes the race receives the red lantern, a special lamp. it is lit when the race starts and it burns until the race ends and then it is blown out and handed in the last place musher. the iditarod race is a huge race so you need to have the required equipment to win. the following items are necessary for this race: • a proper cold weather sleeping bag; • 2 sets of booties for each dog in your team; • one cooker and a pot capable of boiling at least 3 gallons of water; • a veterinarian notebook, to be presented to the veterinarian at each checkpoint. there are many rules for the iditarod race. one of the rules is that you have to carry a gun at all times because one of the major concerns in alaska is moose. if you carry a gun, you don't shoot at the animal, you shoot the gun in the air to frighten the animal away. the maximum and minimum dogs you can have on a team at the start are 12 to 16 dogs. you must have five dogs at the finish of the race. if you do have less you will be disqualified. no dogs can be added to the team during the race. the good samaritan* rule is important to everyone during this race. the good samaritan rule is that you won't be disqualified if another musher helps you if there is a problem. 1. alaska iditarod race is … a) a race for medicine b) a race for doctors c) a sports competition 2. the first race was finished in… a) 17 day b) less than 9 days c) 20 days 3. the prize money is got by any person… a) who passed through the burled arch b) who got the red lantern c) who came first 4. in case of danger a musher… a) should shoot at the moose b) should frighten the moose away c) should go the veterinarian 5. a musher will be disqualified if… a) he/she helps other mushers b) he/she has the minimum of dogs according to the rules c) he/she has less then 5 dogs at he finish
1с 2c 3c 4b 5c