Позитивные: He was an author in the past. She looked like a star yesterday. He played in the playground. She cooked a soup. They tried be a friends. He lost their money. It was easy. He began read this book. I was in love with her. A magazine was like a interesting book. Негативные: He didn't look amazing. She was the funniest person in the class. It wasn't cheap! Did he sleep yesterday night? It wasn't bad journey. It was the main thing in the control work. They didn't look better. You wasn't lovely with me. Nothing was good. We were champions of the USA.
The ancient nation living around the River Nile existed more than 5,000 years ago and lasted for over 2,000 years. This mighty civilization was known to have triumph and glory. The center of life was concentrated around the Nile. First of all, people used this river as the main transportation route. Secondly, its annual floods made it possible to grow crops. Ancient Egyptians were wise people. They learned how to communicate through inscriptions on walls . They used sophisticated hieroglyphs
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Древний народ, живший у Нила, существовал более 5000 лет назад и прожил там более 2000 лет. Известно, что этой могучей цивилизации сопутствовали триумф и слава. Центр жизни был сосредоточен вокруг Нила. Прежде всего, люди использовали эту реку в качестве основного маршрута транспортировки. Во-вторых, ежегодные полноводья сделали возможным выращивать там сельскохозяйственные культуры. Древние египтяне были мудрыми людьми. Они научились общаться через надписи на стенах .Они использовали сложные иероглифы.