1) The potential regional or global instability due to the interdependence of national economies in the global level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country can have regional or even global consequences.
2)Fears that the control of the economy of individual countries can go from the sovereign governments of the most powerful states, multinational or global corporations and international organizations.
3)The contradiction between the rich and poor countries. Opponents of globalization consider axiomatic that benefit from her rich countries. As a result, there are calls for the West to "share" the wealth and technology, to forgive debts, etc. These calls are supported and on the West, and therefore, in some areas, there was such a state of affairs which it is possible to interpret as concessions or philanthropy .
However, the teacher's manual I'm using (in Taiwan) has the guidelines that say "when some specific nouns like 'place, day and time' are used, the preposition can also be omitted."