Схема всегда одна и та же Mira street, 38 (город) Russia 625831 The fourth of October Dear Mike, Thank you for your letter. I did not write you because I was ill. And thank you for your questions. I answer it with pleasure. Yes, I have a sister who is seven. She is funny and very curious. Of course I spend much of my time with her. In my opinion I would not like to be the only child in the family because I love my sister and without her my life would be very boring. I'm interested in the story of Harry Potter. I had wathed all films about him but didn't read books. I would like to read it because I like adventures. That's why I want to answer you: what was your feelings, emotions when you had read this books? Have you ever watched films about Harry Potter? If no, would you like to see it? Oh, sorry Mike, I must do my homework. Goodbye Write back soon Nastya
1. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?=I usually spend my summer holidays abroad. 2. What do you like to do at the seaside?=At the seaside I usually sunbathe and like to swim and just lie in the sun. 3. What do you like to do in the country?=In the country I like to take long walks. 4. What do you like to do in the city?=In the city I like to visit theatres and cinemas. 5. What do you like to do to at camp?=At camp I like to spend time with my friends. 6. Do you like your summer holidays? Why?=I like my summer holidays bacause it is usually warm in summer and summer is my favourite season.