1 вариант.
I had food.
I slept last night.
I ate yesterday.
I fed the cat last week.
I went to school last month.
I built a house.
I was home.
I drank coca cola last summer.
I was running on the last day.
I swam last year.
2 вариант.
I washed the dishes yesterday.
My sister was washing the floors. The day before yesterday my friend was in the store.
We went 2 weeks ago to the water park.
My best friend offended me.
My friends and I went to the cinema 1 year ago.
My brother and I painted at the competition.
My brother and I won 1st place.
I haven’t been to the waterfall yet.
My friends went to swim in the pool.
8.00 am - get up (вставать)
8.10 am - have a shower (принимать душ)
8.20 am - get dressed (одеваться)
8.30 am - have breakfast (завтракать)
8.40 am - clean your teeth (чистить зубы)
8.45 am - go to school (идти в школу)
4.00 pm – come home (прийти домой)
7.00 pm – have dinner (поужинать)
7:30 pm – tidy your room (убраться в комнате)
8.00 pm – do homework (делать домашнюю работу)
9.00 pm – go to bed (ложиться спать)
Have lunch is not in the picture (Обедать - нет на картинке)
Play the recording for students to listen to and repeat the verbs.
(Воспроизведите запись, чтобы студенты слушали и повторяли глаголы.)
2 (26) Слушайте и повторяйте.
Текст аудирования:
ложиться спать
иди домой
делать домашнюю работу
чистить зубы
принимать душ
идти в школу
привести в порядок свою комнату
3 Опишите обычный понедельник Эммы
She gets up at eight o'clock. (Она встает в восемь часов.)
She has a shower at 8.10 am. (Она принимает душ в 8.10.)
She gets dressed at 8.20 am. (Она одевается в 8.20.)
She has breakfast at 8.30 am. (Она завтракает в 8.30 утра.)
She cleans her teeth at 8.40 am. (Она чистит зубы в 8.40.)
She goes to school at 8.45 am. (Она идет в школу в 8.45 утра.)
She comes home at 4.00 pm. (Она приходит домой в 4 вечера.)
She has dinner at 7.00 pm. (Она ужинает в 7.00.)
She tidy your room at 7:30 pm. (Она убирается в своей комнате в 7:30 вечера.)
She does homework at 8.00 pm. (Она делает домашнюю работу в 8.00 вечера.)
She goes to bed at 9.00 pm. (Она ложится спать в 9.00 вечера.)
1.Skateboarding started in California in the 1950s. The first skateboards were made from roller skates attached to a board(информации про автора нет).Іkateboard is only needed to ride, perform tricks and "attract the attention" of girls passing by.
2.The first similarities of sneakers appeared at the end of the XVIII century, when shoes with a sole made of rubber spread. After a century, the history of sports shoes stepped forward twice: the Englishman Joseph Foster invented the first studded shoes, and the American Rubber Company created the first sneakers with a rubber sole and a fabric upper.We need sneakers beacouse it is very comfortable and exclusive.
3.The most ancient instruments, resembling a guitar, date back to the 3rd millennium BC.The form of today's classical guitar belongs to the Spanish master Torres, who lived about 120 years ago.Guitar is needed to play various melodies on it.