With each passing day it becomes colder. The sun is shining, but not warm. The day the earth does not have time to heat up. The days grow shorter and the nights longer. Gets dark early. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. All the land is strewn with fallen leaves. Thinning treetops. Can not hear the birds singing. Dried grass. Withered flowers. The sky is often covered with dark clouds. Go cold slanting rain. Gusty, biting wind. Harvested in orchards and gardens. In the fields empty. Only here and there are green shoots oziminy. Everything reminds that autumn came.
My name is Kristina, I'm 16. I live in Kosterevo. I have a big family: Mother,Granny,Grandad, sisters and others. I have got a cat with name Margo. He is of the breed "Turkish Angora". My favorite color - blue. My favorite flowers is peonies and tulips. I like to draw, to photograph, to do bouquets with toys,listen to music, watch films. My favorite genres of movies is comedy, drama, historical movies. Most of all i like to photograph nature and kids. Also I like to travel. I was at many cities, like Saint-Petersburg,Crimea, Yaroslavl' ,Kostroma,Kazan' I would like to have a lot of places to visit. I finished 9 classies,after which i went to collage named after Morozov. Here a learned a lot and met new friends.
Выберите один ответ: 1)had accepted the day before
3) He asked me what Institute I going to enter.
Выберите один ответ 3)was next year
4) Mary said she studied at Oxford University.
Выберите один ответ: 2)Мери сказала, что учится в Оксфордском университете.
5) I wonder / what / she / say / us / at the meeting / tomorrow Выберете один ответ 4)I wonder what she will say to us at the meeting tomorrow.
6) Carol asked if I her my notes.
Выберите один ответ: 4)could lend
7) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. ‘You lived in Boston’. He said I HAD LIVED in Boston. 8) The students said they English rules very well.
Выберите один ответ: 4)understood
9) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. ‘Do you like to study Psychology?’ He asked me if I LIKED to study Psychology.
10) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. ‘I won’t do it!” Tom to do it.
Выберите один ответ: 1)refused
11) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. ‘Ring me up tomorrow.’ She asked me TO RING her up the next morning.
12) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. ‘Come with us.’ They her to come with .
Выберите один ответ: 3)begged them
13) Open the brackets using the verb in the Reported Speech. He boasted that he WAS very rich.
14) Jimmy said to me that he and Paula were best friends, but Paula never actually met him.
Выберите один ответ: 1)had
15) Match the words from the left into one of the columns from the right: A)tell - 1, 3 B)say - 2, 4, 5
With each passing day it becomes colder. The sun is shining, but not warm. The day the earth does not have time to heat up. The days grow shorter and the nights longer. Gets dark early. The leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. All the land is strewn with fallen leaves. Thinning treetops. Can not hear the birds singing. Dried grass. Withered flowers. The sky is often covered with dark clouds. Go cold slanting rain. Gusty, biting wind. Harvested in orchards and gardens. In the fields empty. Only here and there are green shoots oziminy. Everything reminds that autumn came.