Auian Mukataevich of Kurbasov one of the first ambassadors of independent Kazakhstan. He represented the Republic as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdoms of Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and headed the Delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in science and technology, Honored worker of the diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored worker of Kazakhstan, honorary diploma of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of the "Association of diplomats of Kazakhstan". Mechanical engineer, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ауежан Мукатаевич Курбасов— один из первых послов независимого Казахстана. Он представлял Республику в качестве Чрезвычайного и Полномочного посла в Королевствах Бельгия и Нидерланды, а также в Великом герцогстве Люксембург, возглавлял Делегацию Республики Казахстан при Европейском Союзе и Организации Североатлантического договора (НАТО). Лауреат Государственной премии Республики Казахстан в области науки и техники, Заслуженный работник дипломатической службы Республики Казахстан, Заслуженный деятель Казахстана, почетная грамота Верховного Совета Республики Казахстан, член-корреспондент Инженерной академии Республики Казахстан, Председатель правления "Ассоциации дипломатов Казахстана". Инженер-механик, член-корреспондент Инженерной академии Республики Казахстан.
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The article is devoted to the innovative technology for data visualisation.
The article deals with the use of VR to deliver data visualisation in a virtual environment.
The article touches upon the issues of current setbacks to find an application that can combine Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Virtual/Augmented Reality.
The article is about the platform which uses smart mapping, smart routines, machine learning and natural language processing to identify important patterns and display them in the virtual environment, which can then be customised by users. The platform can be applied to any industry that relies on data analytics, and lets users examine up to 10 dimensions of data.
The purpose of the article is to introduce the audience to the Merging Virtual Reality and Big Data systems.
Much attention is given to the adaptive and disruptive features of existing VR applications.
It is reported that the human brain can only process so much data before it becomes meaningless. However, through analysing the reactions of users within the experience, graphics can be altered in real time to maximise understanding.
It is spoken in detail about the fact the machine learning alone is faster and more efficient than traditional techniques. Pairing VR with data visualisation is also an enabler for new business models, which combine the expertise of co-workers in different geographic locations. However, in light of upcoming legislation on data sharing and analysis, businesses will need to be careful with the machine learning platforms they use.
The article gives a detailed analysis of practical applications of such powerful data processing systems for businesses and the likely negative outcomes.
The following conclusions are drawn: understanding and sharing comprehensive data is great, but analysing the wrong data (including private or sensitive) could be damaging to a business or even the whole industry.
Потому, что это английский язык, а не перевод с русского.