I prefer travelling across Russia. It's easyer to travel across your own country. You don't need special documents for transit and other things.
I would like to visit St. Petersburg. It's cultural capital of Russia. It's very old and beautiful city.
I have visited Moscow many times. I was very dissapointed of visiting Zaryadie park. It looked rather empty. But I like Moscow very much. It's modern, comfortable and I can always find an interesting place where I can walk all day long.
Туповато)) Надеюсь, сойдёт
ответ:1. Какие русские города ты знаешь?
2. Какой ваш родной город и где он находится?
3. Какие интересные места есть в вашем родном городе?
4. Вы предпочитаете путешествовать по России или за рубежом? Почему?
5. Какие российские города вы хотели бы посетить и почему?
6. Какие русские города вы посещали?
7. Какие у вас остались впечатления?
8. Вы когда-нибудь были в одном из упомянутых городов (Саратов, Мурманск, Тюмень или Ярославль)?
9. Что вы знаете о каждом из этих городов сейчас?
The first one: is responsibility. If a man says once he has to fulfill his promise and just keep his word.
The second one is independence. I believe, each man can do everything himself from surgery to cooking.
The third is kindness. I guess, the kindness rules of this world. And every man archives his success by the kindness. People do appreciate it
The fourth is sociability. A man has to have different opportunities and skills to talk correctly and polite. We live among people, so it's rather important thing to get a high post nowadays.
The fifth is generosity. I suppose, to get more is to give (much) more. It's not good to be greedy. Men receive magnificent perks when sharing and helping other people for nothing.