If robots replace professions, then people will have nowhere to work. they will only lie on the couch. it will badly affect their health. people will not be able to earn money for a living. as a result, people will not be able to do anything and are unlikely to be able to buy something to eat.
На украинском перевод:Я ў дзяцінстве вельмі любіла прысмакі. Як і да гэтага часу. У деттве я вельмі капрызіць па любому нагоды. Карацей капризулька. Любіла дарагія падарункі, шмат цукерак і ласункаў. Мне мама дарыла шмат дарагіх лялек, па 2000 і да 10000. А вось адзін выпадак, я як то пайшла на кухню і ўбачыла гарачыя-гарачы кава. Паколькі я была маленькай і нізкай я схапілася за сподак і кубак з кавы ўпала мне на ногі. І зараз у мяне на нагах апекі. Шмат яшчэ якіх гісторый можа быць з дзецьмі. Але са мной было больш за ўсіх, як казала мама. На английском:As a child I was very fond of sweets. As still. In dette I am very fussy on any occasion. Shorter kaprizulka. Loved expensive gifts, lots of candy and sweets. My mother gave a lot of expensive dolls, 2000 and 10000. And here is one case, as I went into the kitchen and saw the burning-hot coffee. Since I was a little low and I grabbed a saucer and a Cup of coffee fell on my feet. And now my leg burns. A lot more of what stories can be with children. But with me it was more like my mother said.
1. visited (Past Simple) 2. saw, touched, learnt (-ed) (Past Simple) 3. have (Present Simple) 4. didn't (Question tags) 5. leave 6. fed (Past Simple) 7. whats -? ("watched", you probably made a mistake) (Past Simple) 8. took (Past Simple) 9. rode (Past Simple) 10. collected (Past Simple) 11. had (Past Simple) 12. was (Past Simple) 13. Have (I don't know how to change "to be" in this situation. As I see it, 'have' is the most suitable word here) (Present Perfect) 14. been (Present Perfect) 15. will take (Future Simple, I suppose).
Some words in the text are written wrong. Некоторые слова в тексте написаны неправильно. I've also designated the tense or rule (in brackets). Я также указала время или правило (в скобках).