1. Work in pairs
2.Dont use a mobile phone in class
3.Can you repeat that,please?
4.Complete the table
5.Dont write your name
6.Can you play the CD again,please?
Anaesthetist, anaesthesiologist анестезиолог
2 Army doctor, medical officer; army surgeon военный врач
3 Cardiologist кардиолог
4 Civilian surgeon гражданский хирург
5 Dentist дантист
6 Dermatologist дерматолог
7 ar, nose, throat, ENT лор
8 General practitioner врач общей практики
9 Gynaecologist гинеколог
10 Head physician главврач
11 Healer / quack (doctor) / medicine man знахарь
12 Homeopath гомеопат
13 (hospital) nurse медсестра
14 Local doctor участковый
15 Massage therapist массажист-физиотерапевт
16 Masseur массажист, -ка
17 Medical doctor; medic медик
18 Military surgeon военный хирург
19 Neuropathologist невропатолог
20 Nurse boy медбрат
21 Obstetrician акушер
22 Obstetrician, midwife акушерка (повитуха)
23 Oculist окулист
24 Operating surgeon оперирующий хирург
25 P(a)ediatrician педиатр
26 Pharmacist / chemist / druggist (амер) аптекарь
27 Physician; doctor врач
28 Psychiatrist психиатр
29 Radiologist радиолог (делает рентген)
30 Rheumatologist ревматолог
31 Sexologist сексолог
32 Surgeon хирург
33 Therapeutist, physician терапевт
34 Ur(in)ologist уролог
35 Veterinary (surgeon) ветеринарный врач
1. My family are prepareing for the birthday party.
2. Are they playing football at six o'clock?
3. Lizzy is looking at her watch phone.
4. A few minutes later Dixon is hurring through the streets to his bus stop.
5. Around me people are talking English, Italian and German.
6. Grandparents are watching television the whole evening.
7. Sam is talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.
8. Pupils are writing the test at this time yesterday.
9. He is drinking tea at seven o'clock?
10. Mary is not working in the garden from two till five o'clock.
11. It is raining the whole day yesterday?
12. She is not helping mother about the house.
2.that you can repeat please
3. do not use mobile phone in class
4 Complete do the table
5 Does not writes your name
6 Can you play again the CD please