fine - finer - the finest rainy - rainier - the rainiest much - more - the most beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful big - bigger - the biggest small - smaller - the smallest curious - more curious - the most curious bad - worse - the worst lovely - lovelier - the loveliest
Найди ошибки:
Winter is snower than spring.
She is the most beautiful girl in our class.
This farmhouse is the nicest.
Karabas is worse than Father Carlo.
Dogs are cleverer than mice.
Раскрой скобки: less the cleverest deeper the most wonderful more interesting
Fred is my best friend. Summer is hotter than spring. The book is more interesting than the film. The houses in the city are bigger than in the country. I like apples less of all.
I believe that buying your own home has its pros and cons. For example, you do not know how to build this house. It's a minus. But you don't need to build a house - he is ready. Come and live! That's a plus. The house you buy may not be where you want to be, but the house is very good. It's a minus. But you can, for example, save money if you buy this house. That's a plus. But I also think that this list can be continued for a long time. It all depends on what you want.
Я считаю, что покупка собственного дома имеет свои плюсы и минусы. Так, например, вы не знаете каким образом строили этот дом. Это минус. Но зато вам не нужно строить дом - он уже готов. Заходи и живи! Это плюс. Дом, который вы покупаете, может находиться не там, где вам хотелось бы, но дом очень хорош. Это минус. Но вы можете, например, сэкономить, если купите этот дом. Это плюс.Но также я считаю, что этот список можно продолжать долго. Всё зависит от того, что именно вы хотите.
to go skateboarding
to wash some clothes
to go dancing
to wash up (to wash the dishes)