Без переводчика: 1) I had a great summer 2) I was in the country and rode a bike. 3) I spent the summer with my friends. 4) We walked until late 5) My girlfriend lives there. Her name is Oksana. 6) Later, I was at home 7) At home, I was playing with my brother and called up with classmates 8) Once I was on the Krasnoyarsk Sea 9) There I swam and sunbathed 10) We were asked to read the book, of which I have read half 11) I like to prepare for school 12) Certainly it seems that the summer was small, but it was as much as 3 months! 13) I think summer was perfectly 14) I hope you, too, had a good summer 15) Well, you good academic year
Босс работает с его документами. У него есть план. Босс никогда не ошибается, но сегодня он очень зол, поэтому он делает некоторые ошибки. Прочитать босса заметки и догадываться о значении подчеркнутых слов. Факты
Имя: Филипп Фамилия: милый Возраст: 32 Дата рождения: 25.12.1974 Национальность: Британец Работа: агент Увлечения: путешествия, языки, кулинария. Милый собирается лететь обратно в Англию сегодня Я собираюсь поговорить с милой на воскресенье. Я собираюсь дать милый новый информация о мальчиках. Агент мило в России Миша и Робин в Англии и милый знает об этом. Милые ОК. Он не в больнице. Милые, имеет хороших друзей в Обнинске. Милый любит он в Россию и не хотят лететь обратно в Англию. Милый не хочет работать. Милый мой худший агент
1) I had a great summer
2) I was in the country and rode a bike.
3) I spent the summer with my friends.
4) We walked until late
5) My girlfriend lives there. Her name is Oksana.
6) Later, I was at home
7) At home, I was playing with my brother and called up with classmates
8) Once I was on the Krasnoyarsk Sea
9) There I swam and sunbathed
10) We were asked to read the book, of which I have read half
11) I like to prepare for school
12) Certainly it seems that the summer was small, but it was as much as 3 months!
13) I think summer was perfectly
14) I hope you, too, had a good summer
15) Well, you good academic year