На авиарейс зарегестрировались две семьи . в одной было 5 человек , а в другой 4 человека. каждый из них сдал в багаж по 2 чемодана. сколько всего кг весил сданный , если один чемодан весил 12 кг.?
What do you imagine the first thing when you hear the phrase "Soc. Network"?Before my eyes immediately seems picture - friends, messages, group, wall. We all think - soc. network for communicating. Of course this is true, it's easier to communicate with people from another city, or even to meet with a man from another country. But we often forget about it, and continue to be considered stupid comics Group or read someone's status. Of course, it takes a lot of time, prevents real communication. Often, people do forget that such a walk with your friends, and have bezvylazno be in the swamp "the social. Network".But he still is not so bad, if the social. network to use for its intended purpose, namely - sometimes communicate with people (not with a neighbor in the yard, and with a man from another city, for example), it would certainly be useful.Conclusion: Soc. network - a great opportunity to communicate, but it should be used in moderation.
1.I am reading an interesting book. – Я читаю интересную книгу. 2.Next week we are buying a new car. – На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину. 3.This film is too boring. I am leaving. – Этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу. 4.The weather is improving. – Погода улучшается. 5.I am sitting at my table and writing.-Я сижу за столом и пишу. 6.I’m leaving tomorrow.-Я уезжаю завтра. 7.He is smiling. – Он улыбается 8.We’re flying to Paris in the morning. - Мы вылетаем в Париж утром. 9.I am working now. — Я сейчас работаю. 10. He is talking to his friend. – Он разговаривает с другом.
2) 9•2=18-чемоданов
3) 12•18=216-кг
ответ: весь багаж весил 216 кг ( надеюсь правильно) извини если нет✌️