Определите в них видо-временную форму глагола и укажите их инфинитив:
1. economic growth of any country depends on the development of agriculture.
2. last year farmers applied more fertilizers than this year.
3. in winter the farmers will keep their cows in cowsheds.
4. they have already plowed the soil and sown wheat.
5. when the students came to the farm the farmers were plowing the soil.
6. the farmers are working in the fields now.
Complete the text with the present simple passive form of the verbs in the box.
( write draw take buy (x2) design send check upload)
1 How is a fashion magazine made?
The stories and articles in a fashion magazine are written by journalists.
The photos are taken by professional photographers and sometimes photos are bought on the internet.
The cartoons and pictures are drawn by the magazine's illustrators.
Each article is checked by the editor and then the pages are designed by a graphic designer.
When the magazine staff are happy with all of the stories and images, a PDF of the magazine is sent to the printers.
If the magazine has a website, some of the stories are uploaded to the internet.
A few weeks later, the magazine appears in the shops and it is bought and read by you!