there are people of different categories: someone sits in front of the computer day and night, communicating with someone, downloading something, in general, "lives" in the internet; for someone the computer and the internet serve only for work; and someone sits and simply communicates with thousand people. sitting down at the computer, the person plunges into the virtual world world of unreal opportunities. certainly, communicating staying at home, or, being in different regions people can see each other via cameras. it means that everything changes, appears something new, something is improved. but even if people also can see each other at distance is can't replace live communication. communication between people is the most remarkable that is given us in this life. here present that the whole world ceased to communicate in reality: grandmothers ceased to sit on shops and mastered the computer, streets became empty and the whole world plunged into virtual life where it is possible to communicate being online day and night. after all now there are so-called virtual shops where as it is possible to get everything and it isn't necessary to go anywhere! sitting in such atmosphere, it seems to me, the person will be bothered by such life. it will want to it something real: to see a smile native and friends, to walk in favourite places of the city, and to find new acquaintances in real life. after all the internet can't replace all, so and live communication too! so, as we found out, the internet doesn't bring any benefit for the person, so and can't replace live communication!
Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes.
These are many ways of traveling — by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot.
Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries.
People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home.
Topic: School Problems
The first problem in my personal rating is absence of freedom of choice. What does it mean? For example, if an adult person doesn’t want to work as a teacher, he can try hand in something else. If he doesn’t like working in this particular company, nobody will make him do that. Yes, sometimes adult people have to do boring and unpleasant work, but, firstly, it’s their own choice, and, secondly, they get money for this. As for pupils at school, they cannot choose what subjects to study. They cannot choose teachers as well. They just have to do what everyone does. And that is not fair. For instance, I know for sure that I will never need Geometry in my life. I am going to be an interpreter or a tour guide, and dedicate my life to travelling and communicating with people. I don’t consider myself to be stupid, but I really can’t cope with all these figures, theorems and integrals – I just have no gift for Mathematics. And I don’t understand why on earth I should waste time and efforts on this useless stuff! It is commonly believed that schoolchildren are too small to choose, because they don’t know what subjects they will need in future. Yes, I agree that they are too small in primary school, but we, tenth-graders are old enough to make a choice. However, I will have to pass a Unified State Exam on Math, which is a compulsory subject, and it’s more than likely that I will spoil my school-leaving certificate with a bad mark.
The second big problem for me is a constant lack of time because of excessive homework. Every teacher thinks that his subject is the most important one, and tries to give us a full load of homework. On the average, I need an hour to do the tasks for one subject. And we have at least five or six lessons a day. Just imagine: after school I have to learn by heart two poems on Literature, do several sums on Math, fill a chart on Biology, get prepared for a test on English, and learn several pages on History. All in all, it takes me about five hours. So, I study six hours at school and five hours at home, having, as a result, an eleven-hour working day. Do you know many adults, who are involved in intellectual activity for eleven hours a day? I think, no. Most adults, when they come home from their work, either have a rest, or just change the type of activity. And we have to study all day long, from morning till night. Don’t think that I am lazy, but I think that secondary school pupils today are really overloaded. It’s no surprise that many of them have poor health, suffer from obesity, scoliosis and weak sight.
The third problem for me is an attitude of some teachers to their pupils. For example, my English teacher is really great. Apart from being a born teacher, she is very gentle, polite and intelligent. She respects every pupil regardless of his academic progress and achievements. And we respect her too. Unfortunately, there are other teachers, who can be very rude towards us. For example, our teacher of Biology can easily humiliate a pupil who is not ready for the lesson. Once I said something wrong, and she turned me into ridicule publicly, driving me to tears. After that I even didn’t want to go to school. However, we cannot choose teachers.