Is friendship between a girl and a boy possible? - Of course, it is! I believe that if people like to chat there should not be a barrier between them because of their gender. Very often a boyfriend can give some advice when the girlfriend fails to do it in this or that situation. In my opinion, in most cases, it is even easier to be friends with boys than with girls. The girls are more jealous and they often can't say in person some things, even to their best girls.
But as for boys, if they are real friends, they can say anything in the face. To my mind, the friendship between a boy and a girl is much stronger than the friendship between two girls.
Возможна ли дружба между девочкой и мальчиком? - Конечно же! Я считаю, что если людям нравится общаться, между ними не должно быть барьера из-за разницы пола. Очень часто друг может дать какой-то совет лучше, когда подруга не справляется с этим в той или иной ситуации. На мой взгляд, в большинстве случаев дружить с мальчиками даже легче, чем с девочками. Девушки более ревнивы, и они часто не могут сказать лично некоторые вещи, даже своим лучшим подругам.
Но что касается мальчиков, то если они настоящие друзья, то они чаще могут сказать что угодно в лицо. На мой взгляд, дружба между мальчиком и девочкой может быть гораздо сильнее, чем дружба между двумя девочками.
I’d like to tell you about holidays which we like to celebrate with my family. Most of all we like New year, Mother's Day and Easter.
We often cook different tasty dishes for holidays. For example, chicken casserole, meat pie and fried turkey.
Soon we will celebrate the national holiday Maslenitsa. Usually we cook a lot of food, go to visit, walk and have fun on this day. We celebrate Shrovetide week. These days we eat a lot of food. The most important dish is the "symbol of the sun" Pancakes. This week, it is the duty of every person to help drive away the winter and awaken nature from winter sleep.
Welcome to Maslenitsa! You’ll have lots of fun!
Я хотел бы рассказать вам о праздниках, которые мы любим отмечать с моей семьей. Больше всего нам нравится Новый год, День Матери и Пасха.
Мы часто готовим разные вкусные блюда к праздникам. Например, куриная запеканка, мясной пирог и жареная индейка.
В ближайшее время мы будем отмечать национальный праздник Масленица.
Обычно мы готовим много еды, ходим в гости, гуляем и веселимся в этот день. Мы Масленицу празднуем неделю. В эти дни мы едим много еды. Самое главное блюдо - это "символ солнца" Блины. В эту неделю долг каждого человека прогнать зиму и пробудить природу от зимнего сна.
Добро в Масленицу! Вам будет очень весело!
1 //
2 i was driving
3 i heard
4 collapsed
5 what happened
6 why did the mine collapse
7 were you working at the time
8 didn't get
9 i tried
10 your line was
2 // B - they have been looking for the last 2 days
A - have you seen the new...
B - I haven't had any free time...
A - Chile has forced the authorities...
B - I haven't heard anything
A - I have been trying to get in touch...
B - I have been running around...
2 I have been working as a freelance...
3 my job took me...
4 I photographed everything...
5 the change in my career has come about
6 ...Etna has erupted
7 I witnessed
8 I made
9 I have been shooting
10 i didn't have
11 my wife has been asking
12 has brought
1 hadn't attended
2 had been lying
3 had been ringing
4 had grown
5 had evacuated