I am bored because the street is wet and damp(мне скучно потому что на улице мокро и сыро) At rush hour in the city center is quite a busy streets.(в час пик в центре города довольно оживлённые улицы) I like to spend free time with my friends.(я люблю проводить свободное время с моими друзьями) when i am sick i feel miserable(когда я болею я чувствую себя несчастным) I look puzzeld when i decide examples(я выгляжу озадаченным когда я решаю примеры) My father work in the mine(мой папа работает на шахте) Soon me family will move to another city(скоро моя семья переедет в другой город) We always travel train by car(мы всегда путешествуем машиной) I bought the bike at the age of ten(мне купили велосипед в возрасте 10-ти лет) This story in the past(эта история в
I suppose I’m not a great art lover. I like posters which look good in my bedroom. I usually buy posters which I find in big stores. I like buying pictures which go well with my mood. Sometimes, I go to art galleries where I buy copies of famous paintings. I prefer pictures which are realistic. Some people who I know spend lots of money on paintings which are really expensive and which look horrible. I have a friend whose collection of modern art is very valuable. The paintings which he buys are perhaps more sophisticated than mine but I'm happy with my collection.
a friend - person you know well and like, but who is not a relative.
a school - place where children go to be educated or where people go to laern a particular skill.
a homework - work that a puple does away from school
a zoo - park where living animals are kept for people to look at
a teacher - person who teaches, especially in a school