My room is very light. the big window is coming out to the south side so that s why my room is full of light all day. On the window i have a pink curtains. Near to the wall stands computer and table. I m doing my homework on this table. Also in my room i have my own bed. It s wooden and covered by a warm blanket.
Про письменный стол и уроки я сделала отдельное предложение, так звучит намного лучше.
2. The parrot is smaller than the turkey. The humming bird is the smallest of the three birds - Попугай меньше, чем индюшка. Колибри - самая маленькая из трёх птиц.
3. The dog is smarter than the horse. The monkey is the smartest of the three animals. - Собака умнее, чем лошадь. Обезьяна - самая умная из 3х животных.
4. The alligator is more dangerous than the whale. The Shark is the most dangerous of the three animals. - Аллигатор опаснее, чем кит. Акула самая опасная из трех животных.
5. The alligator is heavier than the ostrich. The giraffe is the heaviest of the three animals. - Аллигатор тяжелее страуса. Жираф - самый тяжелый из трех животных.
6. The lion is more beautiful than the bear. The fox is the most beautiful of the three animals. Лев красивее, чем медведь. Лиса - самая красивая из трех животных.
7. The parrot is a better friend than the elephant. The dog is the best friend of the three animals. - Попугай более хороший друг, в сравнении co слоном. Собака - самый лучший друг из 3х животных.
8. The crocodile is a worse monster than the snake. The shark is the worst monster of the three animals - Крокодил более ужасный монстр, по сравнению со змеёй. Акула - самый ужасный монстр из 3х животных.
My room is very bright . A large window overlooks the South side, so almost the whole day the room is flooded with sunlight . The window has pink curtains . Near the wall is a computer and a Desk where I do my homework . Also in the room is my bed . It is wooden and covered with a warm blanket