1.We are friends.
2.PIanos are black.
3.We are ballerinas.
4.We are birds
5.We are teachers
I think so
1) Where is the USA situated?
2) What countries does the USA border?
3) What territory does the USA occupy?
4) Is the weather the same all over the USA?
5) What is the landscape of the United States?
6) What mountains are called the "backbone" of the continent?
или What is the longest mountain range in the USA?
7) What is the second longest river in North America?
8) What is the population of the USA?
!! ответ: More than 330 million people (в тексте задания явная ошибка)
9) How many states are there in the US?
10) What is the capital of the USA?
11) What do the letters "D.C." mean?
12) What is the largest city in the United States?
1. These are my friends. - Это мои друзья.
2. Pianos are black. - Пианино черные.
3. They are a ballerinas. - Они балерины.
4) These are a birds. - Это птицы
5) They are a teachers. - Они учителя.