1 The internal combustion engine is called so because fuel is burned
directly inside the engine itself
2 To describe the complete cycle, let's that the piston is
the top of the stroke (top dead center) and the and the exhaust
valves are closed, When the piston
moves down the inlet valve opens to
intake a charge of fuel into the cylinder. This is called the inlet (intake)
3 On reaching the lowest position (bottom dead center) the pis-
begins move upward the closed upper part the cylinder,
the valve is closed and the mixture is compressed by the rising
piston. This is called the compression stroke.
4 Asthe piston again
the top dead center the spark plugs ignite the mixture, hoth valves he
ing closed during its combustion. As a result of burning mixtures the
gases expand and great pressure makes the piston move back down the
cylinder. This stroke is called the
5 When the piston reach
the bottom of its stroke, the exhaust valve is opened, pressure is re-
lensed, and the piston again rises. It lets the burnt gas flow through the
exhaust valve into the atmosphere. This is called thexhaust stroke
which completes the cycle
6 So the piston moves in the cylinder down
(intakestroke), up (compression stroke), down (powerstroke), up (ex-
hanst stroke)
1 a
2 a
3 b
4 a
5 b
6 a
- Hey, Mark! I need your help! What's the best way to learn a language?
- What happened, buddy?
- I have a test tomorrow: I need to learn some new words and to do a few exersises. I don't know what to do. I always struggle with English. So I'd like your advice about how to approach language learning. What do you think I should do anyway?
- Well, the first thing you need to do is to find something you enjoy. It could be literally anything: travelling, sports, makeup, gaming, tv-shows - you name it. And then you need to start doing those things using the language you trying to learn: watch videos and read anything you can put your hands on.
- But how am I supposed to enjoy anything if I can't understand a thing? What's your advice?
- The perseverance is the key. You know it's not the force breaks the rock. It's the frequency and amount of drops that do the work. Start small and work your way from that. Regarding the new words however, try to use flashcards. I've heard they make any memorization A LOT easier.
- Thanks Mark, that was a great help indeed!
- Tom has a coin collection.
‐ No
He has a stamp collection.
Olga and Sonia
best friend
They have
collection of dolls
Twenty eight
and Sonia.
‐ I have a large collection of coins.
‐ You have coins from new Zealand.
‐ No
But I have English
French and
Australian coins
I have a new brand in my collection
I'm happy
- I have many videos at home
- What's your favorite movie?
- How old is this brand
She's very old ‐
One hundred