I recently received one award. It was the prize for the most beautiful hairstyle for a pet. A photo contest was held in our school, in which students of each class could take part. My dog has a rather long fur, so I decided to take part too. I was really interested in this competition, but my dog apparently not. It didn’t let it's fur get laid, but in the end I managed to braid her some braids.
It looked perfect. If I were a male dog, I would fall in love. I took some photos and submitted them to the photo competition. 2 weeks have passed. The results were announced. I was really amazed, my photos took 1st place! I am very proud of this, because this is the first competition I won.
Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. The largest city in Russia with the largest population.There is a version that the word Moscow means swamp, dampness)the City was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Gathered the princes of the neighboring kingdoms to a meeting in the town "mosquito" April 4, 1147. This year is the year of the founding of the city of Moscow. This year it celebrates its 865 years.Coat of arms: on a red canvas of St. George killing a snake. The anthem, "my Golden Moscow", which we learned. The main symbol of the city is the Moscow Kremlin, and Red square. The Kremlin is the oldest part of the city. Consists of Kremlin wall, Towers (Spasskaya, Tainitskaya, Alarm, Troitskaya, Borovitskaya, Annunciation, Vodovzvodnaya kutafia), monuments (Tsar Cannon, Tsar Bell, the Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Lenin Mausoleum), squares, gardens, cathedrals, Palace buildings and other buildings.
Москва-столица Российской Федерации. Крупнейший город России с наибольшим населением. Есть версия, что слово Москва означает, болото, сырость) город был основан князем Юрием Долгоруким. Собрал князей соседних княжеств на встречу в городке "Москов" 4 апреля 1147 года. Этот год является годом основания города Москвы. В этом году ему исполняется 865 лет. Герб: на красном полотне Святого Георгия убивает змею. Гимн "моя Золотая Москва", который мы узнали. Основным символом города считается Московский Кремль и Красная площадь. Кремль-старейшая часть города. Состоит из Кремлевской стены, башен Тайницкая, Сигнализация, Троицкая, Боровицкая, Благовещенская, Водовзводная кутафия), памятников (царь-пушка, царь-колокол, памятник Минину и Пожарскому, Мавзолей Ленина), скверов, садов, соборов, дворцовых зданий и других зданий.