At present, the following interpretation of the meanings of the colors of the flag of Russia is most often (unofficially used): white means peace, purity, integrity, perfection; blue is the color of faith and loyalty, constancy; red color symbolizes energy, force, blood, shed for the Fatherland
В настоящее время чаще всего (неофициально) используется следующая трактовка значений цветов флага России: белый цвет означает мир, чистоту, непорочность, совершенство; синий — цвет веры и верности, постоянства; красный цвет символизирует энергию, силу, кровь, пролитую за Отечество
1. Inputting j) the process of entering collected into a data processing system; 2. Character g) a written language symbol; 3. Database i) a set of related facts; 4. Data elements c) meaningful collections of related characters; 5. Controlling f) directing the sequence of the operations performed; 6. Outputting b) the process of producing useful information; 7. Memory - e) the part of the computer that receives and stores data for processing; 8. Record h) a collection of related data elements 9. Keyboard d) the most common input device; 10. Storing a) saving information for further processing;
1) Tropical...climatesare hot and humid. 2) The heavy snowfall from going out. 3) Bringing up children is a difficult...task 4) Globalwarming...affects the sea level. 5) That scientists is an...experton fossil fuels. 6) Something has to be done before more animals and plants become..extinct.. 7) Cars ..release... fumes and pillute the atmosphere. 8) He promised to come but then he..changed...his mind. 9) We can all ..makea difference to the environment. 10) Gorillas are an...endangeredspecies.
At present, the following interpretation of the meanings of the colors of the flag of Russia is most often (unofficially used): white means peace, purity, integrity, perfection; blue is the color of faith and loyalty, constancy; red color symbolizes energy, force, blood, shed for the Fatherland
В настоящее время чаще всего (неофициально) используется следующая трактовка значений цветов флага России: белый цвет означает мир, чистоту, непорочность, совершенство; синий — цвет веры и верности, постоянства; красный цвет символизирует энергию, силу, кровь, пролитую за Отечество