ecological problems - nowadays.
ecological problems have been, are and will be. these days, we can see for ourselves how quickly our world is developing. even if we take current events in australia as an example. animals die from a cataclysm. the hot environment in that area never left people alone. yes, it's always warm and sunny there. but, worst of all, the unknown. what will happen tomorrow. today the fires, people put out of the forest and populated areas. what will happen tomorrow? thanks to our scientists around the world, now with the help of new technologies, we can already observe where to go next. the media and cutting-edge technology warn us of the danger at the very first minute. drought, tsunami, volcanism, earthquake, and more. this is nature. and we must be in harmony with it. we must love nature. after all, all problems related to the environment are related to people. with our carelessness, not respect and not love for the motherland. after all, we are part of all this. we all (people, animals, plants) live on the same planet, named earth.
what will happen tomorrow with the ecology of our planet is our actions todaywhat will happen tomorrow with the ecology of our planet is our actions today!
экологические проблемы были, есть и будут. в наши дни, мы сами можем наблюдать за тем, как быстро развивается наш мир. даже если в пример брать нынешние события в австралии. животные погибают, от катаклизма. жаркая среда в той местности никогда не оставляла в покое людей. да, там всегда тепло и солнечно. но, хуже всего неизвестность. то, что будет завтра. сегодня , люди тушат леса и населенные местности. а что будет завтра? , нашим ученым по всему миру, сейчас с новых технологий мы можем уже наблюдать за тем, куда двигаться дальше. сми и передовые технологии нас об опасности в сью-же минуту. засуха, цунами, вулканизация, землетрясение и многое другое. это природа. и мы должны быть в гармонии с ней. мы должны любить природу. ведь все проблемы связанные с экологией связаны с людьми. с нашей неосторожностью, не уважением и не любовью к родине. ведь мы и есть состав всего этого. мы все (люди, животные, растения) живем на одной планете, по имени - земля. то, что с экологией планеты будет завтра, это наши сегодняшние действия!
Nowadays Kyiv is a large political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its population is about 3 million. The city lies on both banks of the Dnieper. Kyiv is a garden city; only a seventh part of its territory is occupied by buildings.
Kyiv has a well-developed industry. Its factories and plants produce sea and river transport vessels, air liners, computers, motorcycles, consumer goods.
Kyiv is also one of the largest scientific centres. The Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and many research institutes are famous for their discoveries. More than 10 000 students study at Kyiv Shevchenko National University. There are over 20 higher educational establishments in Kyiv.
Kyiv is also the centre of political life in Ukraine. All major political events take place here.
Kyiv is the largest ancient centre of national Ukrainian culture. There are 20 museums, 1300 libraries, 41 theatres, 121 parks. Kyiv is growing and is being built, it also becomes younger and more beautiful.
1. Can I have another cookie, Granny?
2. Mr. Brown, may I stay here for a little longer?
3. Richard told us we can take his bike.
4. We were not allowed to go to the party alone.
5. May I help you with your bags?
6. Jane had no ticket so she was not allowed to come in.
7. He may come in time, however I guess he'll be late.
8. May be there's still some cake. I'll go check it.
9. Little Jimmy can read quite well, however he could not read five months ago.
10. Mommy, can I have another chocolate bar?
11. I got lost in an unknown city and only managed to find the street I was looking for by the evening.
12. Tourists can see the cathedral and churches of XVII - XIX centuries in our ancient city.
13. We won't be able to explain Richard why we left.
14. Maybe I'll go to the cinema with my friend tomorrow.
15. How could you break your promise?
15. It may rain again tomorrow.