The dog is a pet animal. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a short tail. Dogs, are of many types, different colours, and size. Dogs don’t ONLY see in black and white — they can also see blue and yellow. It is found, everywhere. It has a sharp sense of hearing and smell. the dog is a very useful and faithful animal. It loves its master very much. It guards the house from thieves with care. It is right to call him man’s best friend
Собака є домашньою твариною. Вона має чотири ноги, два вуха, два, ока і короткий хвіст. Собаки,
бувають різних типів, різних кольорів і розмірів. Собаки не тільки бачать в чорно-білому – вони також, можуть бачити синій і жовтий. Вони зустрічається всюди. Вони володіють хорошим слохом і нюхом. Собака – дуже корисна і вірна тварина. Вона, дуже любить свого господаря. Вона обережно охороняє будинок від злодіїв. Правильно назвати її найкращим другом людини.
I have my pet. Its name is Jack. He is friendly and cheerful. He likes to look important. He has smooth fur, big eyes and ears. His tail is short.
He can sit dance and, give his paw. My dog, and I are great friends. We spend a lot of time together. It is not, difficult, for me to take care of my dog. I love my dog very much!
у мене, є моя домашня тварина. Його назва Джек. Він, дружелюбний і веселий. Він любить виглядати важливим. Він має, гладкий хутро, великі, очі і вуха. Його хвіст короткий.
Він може сидіти танцювати і дати лапу. Моя собака та я чудові друзі. Ми витрачаємо багато часу разом. Мені важко дбати, про мою собаку. Я дуже люблю свою собаку!
Today the English language has a status of a lingua franca. Whenever you meet someone from another country, in case you don't know their native language, you try to communicate in English. And learning it at school is very beneficial for several reasons.
Firstly, you are young enough to quickly absorb everything that was said. It's easier to pick up a language while you're still a kid, rather than in adulthood. Secondly, you have a lot of time - whole 11 years! - to learn the language, so when you grow up you will already speak fluently. You won't look for cheap courses, because you had the chance to do that earlier and (probably) for free!
Though, I don't want to stop. Next language I want to learn is French. It's very beautiful and also widespread in various countries. To achieve that, I need to work hard and even make it a habit, so I would start doing it on a daily basis.