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01.04.2020 21:17 •  Английский язык

Выбери правильное слово. 1. come to the party! i'm sure you will to enjoy/enjoy yourself there. 2. we have to play indoors today because/so it's too cold outside. 3.your clothes are more fashionable than/that mine. 4. i am a much worse/worst dancer tnan you! 5.that is the editor who/whose newspaper printed wrong information about our school


Come to the party! I'm sure you will to enjoy yourself there.

We have to play indoors today because it's too cold outside.

Your clothes are more fashionable than mine.

I am a much worse dancer than you!

That is the editor whose newspaper printed wrong information about our school.


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Упражнение 1:

1. The contract usually includes such articles as: the subject of the contract and the total cost, delivery and payment terms, warranty and product quality, packaging and labeling, force majeure and arbitration.
Перевод: Контракт обычно содержит такие статьи, как: предмет контракта и общую стоимость, условия доставки и платежа, гарантия и качество товара, упаковку и маркировку, форс мажор и арбитраж.

2. Specifications are an attachment to the contract, which is an integral part of it.
Перевод: Спецификации – это приложение к контракту, которое является его неотъемлемой частью.

3. The marking was made with indelible paint on three sides of the box.
Перевод: Маркировка была сделана несмываемой краской на трех сторонах коробки.

4. An irrevocable letter of credit for the full cost of the goods was opened in favor of your company 3 days ago.
Перевод: В пользу вашей фирмы 3 дня назад был открыт аккредитив на полную стоимость товара.

5. The tests will be conducted a week before the loading.
Перевод: Испытания будут проводиться за неделю до погрузки.

6. The payment was made after the submission of the following documents: invoices, a full set of clean on-board bill of lading, a certificate of origin, and a factory certificate.
Перевод: Платеж был осуществлен после предъявления следующих документов: счета-фактуры, полного комплекта чистых бортовых коносаментов, сертификата происхождения и заводского сертификата.

7. Faulty parts were replaced within a week.
Перевод: Неисправные детали заменили в течение недели.

8. If disputes cannot be resolved amicably through negotiations, the case is settled by an arbitration court in accordance with legal procedures.
Перевод: Если споры нельзя уладить полюбовно, путем переговоров, дело решается арбитражным судом в соответствии с юридическими процедурами.

9. The seller sold and the buyer bought the goods according to the specifications on the terms of CIF Moscow.
Перевод: Продавец продал, а покупатель купил товар согласно спецификациям на условиях СИФ Москва.

10. Firm N, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, on the one hand, and firm S, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement on the following.
Перевод: Фирма Н., именуемая в дальнейшем Продавец, с одной стороны, и фирма С., именуемая в дальнейшем Покупатель, с другой стороны, заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем.

Упражнение 2:

1. Он должен был приехать на 6 вечера поездом. (Когда …?)
Ответ: When was he to arrive?

2. Дом должен быть покрашен следующим летом. (Когда …?)
Ответ: When is the house to be painted?

3. Я должен сказать родителям правду. (Что …?)
Ответ: What am I to tell my parents?

4. Карл должен был найти ее новый адрес. (Кто …?)
Ответ: Who was Carl to have found her new address?

5. Нам предстоит провести эту ночь в полицейском участке. (Где …?)
Ответ: Where are we to spend this night?

6. Незнакомцам запрещено входить в палаты. (Почему …?)
Ответ: Why are strangers not to enter the wards?

Упражнение 3:

1. Она должна была прийти утром, но почувствовала себя нехорошо.
Перевод: She was to have come in the morning but she didn't feel well.
4,4(86 оценок)
1) Nick felt sick. He had been eating sweets all weekend.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because Nick's action of eating sweets happened before he felt sick. The action of eating sweets started in the past and continued until the point of feeling sick. Therefore, we use "had been eating" to show the continuous action in the past.

2) John was confused. He had been trying to win the chess game for hours.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because John's action of trying to win the chess game started before he felt confused and continued until a certain point in the past (not mentioned in the sentence). The action of trying to win started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had been trying" to show the continuous action in the past.

3) Hannah was angry. She had been arguing with her parents for an hour.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because Hannah's action of arguing with her parents started before she felt angry and continued until a certain point in the past (one hour). The action of arguing started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had been arguing" to show the continuous action in the past.

4) Allan was very tired. He had been sleeping all night.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because Allan's action of sleeping started before he felt tired and continued until a certain point in the past (morning). The action of sleeping started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had been sleeping" to show the continuous action in the past.

5) Simon had a headache. His baby sister had been screaming for half an hour.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because Simon's sister's action of screaming started before Simon had a headache and continued until a certain point in the past (half an hour). The action of screaming started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had been screaming" to show the continuous action in the past.

6) Emily was frightened. She had been watching a horror film for half an hour.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because Emily's action of watching a horror film started before she felt frightened and continued until a certain point in the past (half an hour). The action of watching started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had been watching" to show the continuous action in the past.

7) We were upset. We had had no likes for two days.
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the Past Perfect Continuous tense because the action of not having likes started before we felt upset and continued until a certain point in the past (two days). The action of not having likes started in the past and continued until a specific time. Therefore, we use "had had" to show the continuous action in the past.
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