1.What area does Ukraine occupy?
2.With which countries does Ukraine border?
3.How many people live in Ukraine?
4.Нow many seas is Ukraine washed by?
5.In which part of Europe is Ukraine ?
6.Мost of Ukraine is mountainous, is that so? (Yes/No)
7.Ukraine has two mountain regions, is't it?(Yes/No)
8.Can Ukraine be called an agrarian country?(Уеs/No)
9.Ноw many kilometers does Ukraine extend from north to south?
10.Нow many kilometers does Ukraine stretch from east to west?
11.Рlants and animal husbandry are developing in Ukraine, isn't it? (Yes/No)
12.Тhe capital of Ukraine and one of the largest cities?
ответ:9. The... English Channel is between ... Great Britain and ... France.
10. ... Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of... London.
11. When a student, Tom spent two years in ... Africa.
12. The... Houses of Parliament has over 1,000 rooms, and 2 miles of corridors.
13. Would you like to go to the Kremlin?
14. ... Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
15. ... West End is the symbol of wealthy and luxurious life.
16. Where’s... John’s raincoat?
17. The Pacific is the largest ocean on our planet.
18. Have you ever been to the Bolshoi Theatre?
19. Does... Mark speak... Spanish?
20. Show me the Canary Islands on this map, please.
21. How much does it cost to stay at the... Grand Hotel?
22. The Volga flows into. the.. Caspian Sea.
1) I attended swimming pool 5 years ago. (Действие закончилось в поэтому нужно использовать Past Simple)
2) I have been peeling onions, that’s why I am red now. (Здесь есть связь с настоящим, результат, поэтому выбираем Present Perfect Continuous)
3) Our neighbor has had this car for 20 years. (Действие длится до сих пор, но глагол have в данном значении нельзя использовать в форме Continuous, поэтому нам нужна форма Present Perfect)