There is a great number of people who believe that robot pets will take place of real dogs and cats, while others believe that they always be human’s companions. I agree with the first point of view. In the future robots will replace pets. Firstly, you do not have to clean up after them and feed them. Secondly, they do not need a veterinarian. You will save a lot of time and money if you have a robot pet. However, there are people who believe that real pets will never be replaced by robots. Robots do not have emotions. They cannot love you for real, while real pets despite their minuses can show true emotions. People get pets when they feel lonely when they want to have a soul around, not a piece of metal. Real dogs also can protect you from burglars by catching them or barking. I cannot totally agree with that opinion because robot pets are already able to show you affection and technologies will develop more
There is also no danger that your pet will spoil your furniture or harm your children, which happens with animals. As for protection, robots can be more effective than barking dogs. They can send a signal or even a video of intruders directly to the police. To conclude, I would like to say that in the future pets will be replaced by robots because of their obvious advantages. Even now they begin to compete with animals for human’s companion place.
The diversity of life on Earth is not a trivial matter. Plants and animals somehow help a person to maintain health and serve as a source of human well-being. Meanwhile, in recent years, there has been an unprecedented rapid rate of loss of biodiversity: from coral reefs, to rare species of tigers and birds, many species of plants and animals are on the verge of complete extinction.
"To save any endangered species, first of all, you need to protect its habitat, but 43 percent of such areas are not protected at the state level, "said Ian Burfield, scientific coordinator of the international organization"BirdLife International".
One of the solutions to this problem is the creation of special "biodiversity zones". This status will protect the unique habitats of species under threat of extinction.
"Status "area of biodiversity" provides many benefits to the local community and protect water resources and preserve the local biodiversity and reducing the negative impact of climate change", - the expert emphasizes on biodiversity, the UN environment programme Ersin Esen.
The conference of the parties to the Convention on biological diversity is being held in Sharm El-Sheikh from 17 to 29 November. The parties to the Convention assess progress in the implementation of the strategic plan on biodiversity for 2011-2020. The UN Convention on biological diversity, which protects natural resources, was developed at the world summit on environment and sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It has been ratified by 196 countries.
на прошлых летних каникулах я был в киеве. ездил я с мамой и братом. это было потрясающе. я посетил главную достопримечательность города - владимирский собор. на главных входных дверях изображены князь владимир и княгиня ольга. позже, мама настояла на том, чтобы мы сходили в софийский собор, построенный по воле ярослава мудрого в xi столетии. я сделал много красивых фотографий в этом месте. я был бы рад вернуться туда снова!
last summer holidays i was in kiev. i went with my mother and brother. it was amazing. i visited the main attraction of the city - st. vladimir's cathedral. the main entrance doors depict prince vladimir and princess olga. later, my mother insisted that we go to st. sophia cathedral, built by the will of yaroslav the wise in the xi century. i took a lot of beautiful photos in this place. i would love to go back there again!