ответ: 3. in your culture. there are various opportunities for continuing education after basic school in russia.
1) what are the opportunities for continuing education for russian children?
fact file
the education system in russia (part 2)
high school - 2 years
exams for full secondary education - two mandatory state exams in the form of a written test and three exams for the choice of a student
higher education:
professional education:
technical college (technical school)
vocational school (technical school)
professional lyceum
certificate / diploma:
certificate of complete secondary education
diploma of higher professional education or specialist diploma
объяснение: тебе ведь нужен был перевод?
she is giving pen.
i think, that i should give him a notebook.
Can you give me this pen?
Will you give me key?
He presented me dog.
On sunday, we must present books for him.
Can you present me phone.
You need present car.
Did you present notebook for me?