My dear friends!
I arrived home, already dismantled all my bags and suitcases. The road was good, flew very quickly, all the amenities are there, the plane is very comfortable. I really enjoyed visiting you, especially liked the museums and theaters we visited. The trip was unforgettable!
I am very grateful to you for inviting me to England to your home, your house is very beautiful and large, I hope I can still come to you!
Your dear Pitterson
Дорогие мои друзья!
Я приехал домой, уже разобрал все свои сумки и чемоданы. Дорога была хорошая, долетели очень быстро, все удобства есть, самолет очень комфортный. Мне очень понравилось у Вас гостить, особенно понравились музеи и театры в которых мы побывали. Поездка была незабываемой!
Я очень благодарен вам за то что пригласили меня в Англию к себе домой, дом у вас очень красивый и большой, надеюсь еще смогу к вам приехать!
Ваш дорогой Питтерсон
До свидания
The number of (0) single fathers has increased considerably in (1) recent years in Britain. We spoke to one such dad, Steve Baker, about how he (2) copes with it all. Steve, 43, has (3) grown up his two teenage sons since he and his wife (4) split up two years ago. ‘It’s no (5) much difficult for a man than it is for a woman,’ says Steve. ‘It’s a full-time job, whoever you are. Fortunately for me, my employers were very (6) understandable in the first few months and they (7) let me take time off work to get myself organized.
As (8) much as the housework is concerned, I don’t mind cooking, as I’ve always been (9) good at that; it’s the ironing I can’t (10) stand ! Generally speaking, the boys and I get on very well (11) together but of course, sometimes we have rows. That’s when I really (12) miss having someone there with me to help me out. I have had a couple of (13) relationships in the last two years but they haven’t worked out. That has a lot to (14) do with the fact that I put my kids before anyone (15) else .I take fatherhood very seriously.
1 A recent B nowadays C last D latest
2 A gets by B copes with C looks after D takes care
3 A taken B made C grown D brought
4 A divorced B separated C parted D split
5 A very B more C much D at all
6 A comprehensive B understandable C sympathetic D supported
7 A allowed B offered C suggested D let
8 A far B well C much D soon
9 A well B involved C good D interested
10 A support B hate C stand D help
11 A each one B each other C one another D together
12 A miss B regret C want D need
13 A relatives B relationships C relations D partnerships
14 A be B do C see D go
15 A more B other C else D besides
I always can help my friends