Cat — beautiful, surprisingly clever creation, gentle, tender and devoted to the person. The cat quickly gets used to the house and becomes the close friend. Correctly brought up cat doesn't cause to the owner of unpleasant efforts, and heavy minutes of life will help to remove a nervous stress, will distract from sad thoughts and daily cares.
The destiny of a cat completely depends on our attachments and preferences, tolerance and generosity. The house cat trustfully handed over the life and wellbeing in our hands, and we in the answer for, whether it will be happy, cheerful and healthy or, on the contrary, is timid, mistrustful, aggressive, vindictive, painful. The cat looks forward loving owner at a door when it just approaches to the house and enters into an entrance. Having appeared far from the house owing to any circumstances, the cat will surely find the road to a native threshold. The cat of the first will feel approach of earthquake or other natural cataclysm and in own way will warn us about it. Continuous contacts to cats lead to fall of pulse rate and a blood pressure. Cats treat people
1. Look at the traffic light (смотри на сигнал светофора)
2. Slow down! (Притормози)
3. Don't run into the road (не выбегай на дорогу)