народная медицина пришла еще из покон руси-матушки. Уже с тех давних пор наши предки могли готовить отвары, знали какими полезными свойствами обладают травы, как лечится от простуды и тд. даже сейчас того не замечая в быту мы сами пользуемся обыкновенной народной медециной: например, прикладываем подорожник если сильно ушиблись, пьем час с малиной или медом, делаем горчичники ( mustard plaster, sinapism)? натираемся медом и т.д.
кстати домашние крема, маски для лица, волос из овощей, фруктов тоже из народной медецины.
На основе народной мидицины постороены наши лекарства, таблетки итд. Тот же самый цитрамон ( так и будет по английски) сделан на основе трав.
1. The media are a reflection of the modern world.
2. They influence customs, attitudes and culture.
3. Traditional media includes books, magazines and newspapers, television and radio, films and music.
4. And new media includes internet blogs, social networks, podcasts, and webcasts.
5.With the help of new media, anyone can become a journalist at low cost and with a global audience
6. People find new media very attractive because they can get information anytime, anywhere.
7. In general, new media has three main advantages.
8. First, people can get the latest news whenever and wherever they want.
9. Second, most online content is free, from blogs and social media to news and entertainment sources.
10. Finally, new media are helping to reach the most remote parts of the globe.
11. The media play an important role in people's lives.
1. We go to bed...
2. He went...
3. like to cookwe don't like to wash...
4. He never shouted He was a wonderful
5. My friend knows...
6. Who rang you up...
7. He lives...
8. It took you...
9. When your lessons was over...?
10. I had dinner
11. Her friends were ready...
12. One of her brothers made a tour
13. Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926. She became Queen of England in 1952.
14. Do you always get up at seven o'clock? - No, sometimes I get up at half past seven.
15. Antonio Stradivari made wonderful violins.
16. Who painted the world-knows picture "Mona Lisa"?
17. She knows all the works of Chopin. She enjoyed listening to his waltz last night.
18. Steven's friends came to his birthday party last night and gave him wonderful presents. His parents cooked a special dinner for him. His girlfriend promiseв to come, but she wasn't there. He tried to phone, but he couldn't get through. He was really upset. Only she did not wish him a Happy Birthday.